IAP Career College

Office Webinar - What's Office like on Windows RT devices?

Description : 

Over the past year, we've shown you quick ways to get the most out of Microsoft Office. We've listed some of the year's most popular webinars, plus links to help and how-to articles, videos, and training. 

Today we' ll show you the new Surface that includes a version of Office called Office Home & Student 2013 RT Preview. We present how Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote work on a Windows RT device like Surface. 

Get the references and links for this Office 15-Minute Webinar at: http://aka.ms/rt123. More on the video below.

Check also all of the Office 15-minute webinars from 2012 and our E-Book for your favorites or ones you missed. And please let us know what you'd like to see in 2013 in the comments below. Your questions and creativity are always inspiring! :)

*by andreascy*

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