The Importance Of Having A Professional Dress Code At Your Workplace

Important tips on your professional dress code, to look and feel good at your work environment regardless of your job role.

How to Easily Edit a Resume Anytime Needed

Utilize current technologies and a mobile device to quickly and efficiently revise your resume.

The History of Voice Recognition Software

The VR technology has a long, proud and interesting history. Here is a brief review.

IAP Career College

Marketing Design Tips and Trends For Success

Description:With website design impacting 94% of first impressions, one of the main factors impacting if a user will stay on your website or not is your design and its elements.An ideal website design is simple, functional, and also consistent with the branding of your business. Most good-looking websites use a grid-based layout to make content aligned, they have short load times, are mobile-friendly, and use inviting copy.Use these website design...

Mobile App Security Threats To Plan For

Description : Mobile apps continue to grow with technology. There are countless ways that apps make our lives easier—whether it be tracking our fitness progress, or improving our online shopping experience. The rapid growth in app usage around the world means that, a lot of people don’t have experience on how to protect themselves against a possible security attack.  In 2018, 71% of fraud transactions came from mobile apps and mobile...

Protect Your Data Or You Will Soon Have To Deal With ‘The Rise Of The Machines’

Description : For the well-informed, it is an undeniable fact that the future of internet privacy is bleak. We live in a time where the internet is an indispensable resource. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned by internet service providers and internet companies to believe that to access internet services, we must first give up any notion of privacy. As a result, these companies collect unlimited user information every time we use their...

How to Protect Your Company’s Email Against Cyberattack

Description : Hello folks and hope you had a restful holiday. At the dawn of the New Year, we'd like to wish you all a prosperous 2019, with personal and family fulfillment! We look forward to being your companion all year round. 😎👍 While Hollywood may portray hacking as a complicated endeavor which requires sophisticated technical expertise and endless nights spent staring at a computer, the truth is that hackers rely on a variety of...

New Able2Extract Professional 14: Sign PDFs & Convert with AI

Description : At, the editorial team likes to keep tabs on the software they review, to keep giving you the latest and the best out of the tools we showcase. It’s about helping you work digitally and more productively. In this case, it’s all about working efficiently with PDF documents and for that, we’ve got an update on Able2Extract Professional, the PDF suite we’ve reviewed before that lets you...

How Educational Technology is Reshaping Education: Latest Trends

Description :  For many years now, we’ve been seeing a gradual, but important shift in the way that people are educated. Gone are the days of notepads, pens and paper notes. Today, students are creating the content on their tablets, they are sending it across intranets, and they are engaging with the class, 24/7 through social media. This is referred to as asynchronous learning. Far from being the distraction they were originally...

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