
5 Tips To Improve Your App Marketing

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The app market is like a beehive. Just like bees, there are hundreds of thousands of apps in the hive and having one app in particular stand out is extremely challenging. 

This article will give you tips to help your app rank higher in the marketplace and make it easier to discover any potential customers. With these thoughts in mind your app just may end up being Queen of the hive. 

5 Tips To Improve Your App Marketing

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Marketing costs may be something an app developer fears will cut into the apps profits. Also, with the rapidly changing market, tactics that work one day will be useless the next. This makes planning a long term marketing strategy seem difficult. Below you will find tips that will not eat up your apps profits and also have been very solid strategies that, so far, stand the test of time in the changing mobile marketplace.

1. Everyone Uses Social Media, So Should Your Apps

Every company, big or small, should utilize social media to their benefit in every way possible. Social media is an ideal tool for building brand awareness and keeping in touch with your apps community. Communicating with your app users keeps your reviews positive in the app store. You want to ensure customers accentuate the positives of your app much more than the negatives some may find, and if the only outlet is your app review process, it could potentially be harmful to your app's success. Not every customer will be satisfied, and it is best kept that in mind.

2. Make Use Of Ad Networks

An affiliate ad company can help your app raise revenue. A click-through rate of 1%, which does not seem like much, when advertising your app can boost your ratings in the Apple store. It is vital you find an ad company to publish your app ad in front of your target audience. Not every ad company may provide the results you want, so it may take a bit of testing the waters among various companies.

3. Go Organic

The Apple store, and Google Play differ much in what drives the ranks of apps. As discussed above, the Apple store relies on ad-driven links. Google Play ranks apps depending on how high is the usage. The more a customer uses a download of your app, the higher the apps rank rises. Below, you will learn how to help your app rise the ranks in Google Play.

4. Keep The Coming Back For More

Rewards for your loyal users help to keep them using your apps. Using push notifications you can offer your users special discounts and other benefits. If the app is a game, perhaps a reward could be a specific item for the player to use. There is no number to the rewards to be offered to customers, and they don't have to cost you a thing. 

5. Make Your Own Market

Market your apps within your other apps. Introduce users to the different apps with internal banners, push notifications and links. Existing users can click through and try your other apps this way, and you are increasing your app downloads and usage per app. It is a common practice, and very successful strategy used by many developers.

The Sum Of Its Parts: Every tip mentioned in this article can be used to create a dynamic marketing strategy for your apps. Large financial risks are not required, and you will find that each tip requires a time investment more than marketing money. If you stay vigilant, and monitor your apps, success is not as far out of reach as you may initially have thought.

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*by andreascy*