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US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

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The heat of a bomb blast or IED explosion is so intense that it can fry the skin of any troop unlucky to be near. If service members are wearing camo paint, the consequences can be even worse: most makeup is oil or wax-based and can ignite instantly in a flash of heat and pressure. 

Camouflage makeup can do more than hide soldiers from their enemies though. Yeap, this camo paint brings a new era in shielding soldiers from heat threat.

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

This new form of a heat reflective camouflage paint shields soldiers faces in the field from the searing heat of those bomb blasts. This Next - Generation Makeup was developed by Robert Lochhead and a team from the University of Southern Mississippi, US, at the direction of the Department of Defense

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

The paint replaces its traditional carbon base with silicone that is non-flammable and can absorb heat - A chemical challenge to develop. The change means that just a thin layer of camouflage face paint could not only help soldiers escape detection, but prevent burn injuries and facial scarring from run-ins with explosives. 

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

The heat-resistant makeup not only provides protection from the searing temperatures of roadside bomb blasts and other explosions but it could also safeguard firefighters from more serious burns.

US Chemists Developed a Heat - Fire Resistant Camouflage Makeup that Protects Soldiers

It keeps the left-hand strip at below 100°C after 10s under a blowtorch, whereas the unprotected strip reaches 400°C. Check out the video!

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*by andreascy*

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