IAP Career College

Meet "Click With Me Now's" Websharing Application

Description : 

Increase Online Purchase Conversion. Enhance Website Visitor Experience. 

Click With Me Now, Inc (and now RecursiveLabs), is a web-based, SaaS application company, with offices in St. Louis and San Francisco, that has created a disruptive, patent-pending product for everyday Internet users to instantly share their current web session such as a spouse, friend or relative; whether they are across town or across the globe - using a 1-click, no-download, no-cost and no frustration solution.

Meet "Click With Me Now's" Websharing Application

This tool allows users to invite trusted individuals to securely share their web screen in an agnostic and much more intuitive and natural way - by simply clicking and asking them to come have a look without ever leaving the website.

Meet "Click With Me Now's" Websharing Application

The company is a 2013 SXSW Interactive Accelerator finalist supporting businesses that connect with consumers online. Click With Me Now has been designed for commerce, from the ground up, working with legal and compliance executives to ensure the process meets the needs of the health insurancetravel, financial services, consumer electronics, fashion and real estate industry.

Meet "Click With Me Now's" Websharing Application

Their SaaS-based, platform-independent solution results in richer experiences, greater conversion and increased sales. Click With Me Now will open to the general public in Q2 of 2013. Check out the video announcement on the main stage at DEMO (and now Foundry).

For more information check their 1-min intro video

Keep reading! 👏

*by andreascy*

🦾 Stay Motivated

🏅 Featured on Product Hunt