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Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

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There are many sites for personalizing greeting cards and sending them to friends and colleagues for birthdays, holidays, special occasions, etc. However, the personalization process on many of those sites comes down to simply inserting a line of text into an already created image or animation. Those solutions are great when we don’t have much time for original design, but we still want to show we’re thinking of someone.

Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

On the other hand, there are web apps such as Cherami Cards that help people fully customize their online cards, which can make the recipient feel really special. Though this piece of software is not about boosting productivity or revolutionizing any industry, like some powerful programs that we can’t live without, Cherami can be a very handy partner in “boosting relationships” and stirring someone’s emotions. 

Let’s see how it works, and then we can give you some tips on how and when to use it. 

The Basics of Using Cherami 

Head over to Cherami Cards to make your own card. Officially, there is only one type of e-cards that the app lets you create. Those are love cards. However, very soon there will be more online cards categories, such as holiday, humorous, inspirational cards and more. 

Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

You’ll be prompted to start the creation process by selecting a shape. All current versions of card shapes can be seen on the left side of the screen. If you inadvertently click on some other option, you can always go back to the Shape category by clicking on it on the top “wheel of options.” 

Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

Once the card shape has been carefully selected, you can do the same with other design options, such as Background, Border and Graphics. Go to each section and play with different possibilities. For example, in the Background category you can choose between different background patterns (transparent or solid) as well as pick a color for your background by clicking on the color wheel.

Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

Similarly, you can choose a pattern for your border and its color. Of course, you don’t have to apply any border if you don’t want to.

The graphics category currently has a limited selection of illustrations, but if you’re sending a love e-card, you’ll certainly find what you’re looking for.

Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

However, if your online card is not meant to inspire romantic feelings but serve some other purpose (e.g., scare your friends for Halloween or send thanks for Thanksgiving), then we suggest you click on the Media category and then on the Upload Image option. This will let you upload any photo you want from your computer, such as bats, pumpkins or any appropriate image.

When you click on the Upload Image, you’ll be able to browse through your folders to find the photo. Once you click on it, Cherami will let you crop it in the shape you prefer.

Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

Just click on the Apply button that will appear below, and your image will be placed on your online card.

Finally, click on the Text option and write something cute, witty or wise to make your card even more interesting and original. You can then play with font, text color, etc.

Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

And here’s what we created in a few minutes, but of course, you can do better!

Cherami Cards: A Fun New App for Creating Online Cards

Now click on the Save button in the upper right corner, and then choose whether you want to share, edit or create a new card. If you click on the Share option, you’ll be able to share your romantic e-card on social networks, or send it to someone special via email. Of course, you’ll need to create an account with Cherami in order to do that. 

And the best news goes last: Cherami Cards is a completely free service, so you can create as many cards as you like whenever. In a week or two the mobile view of the tool will be complete, so users will be able to use the service from their mobile devices as well. 

Use Cherami to cheer someone up, remind them that you’re thinking about them, wish them a happy birthday or without any reason whatsoever. That’s what love, friendship and Cherami Cards are about!

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*by andreascy*

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