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Water Softener System - How Does It Work?

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One of the major nutrients that the human body needs on a regular basis is water. And not only is water one of the elements of nature but, as Leonardo da Vinci puts it, “Water is the driving force in nature.”

Water Softener - How Does It Work

Every individual, whether it is in his office or in his home, needs access to safe and clean drinking water and yet water could have many problems such as: 

  Various viruses and bacteria 
•  Hidden impurities 
  Chemicals that have been added for purification 
  Soluble and insoluble particulate matter 
  Different tastes because of something known as hard water 

This is where the importance of water softener can be felt. So what is a water softener and how does it work? What is the process behind it? 

What is a Water Softener? 

A water softener is a device that helps to remove various kinds of components in the water, especially when it is hard water. By going through water softening process, such hard water gets converted into soft water that is good at many levels including: 

 prolonging the life of pipes and tubes used in plumbing 
 making water more safe because the metallic content has been removed and 
 improving the lathering ability of soaps and detergents 

Why use Water Softening Process? 

Water is termed as hard water if it has minerals, metals and even particulate matter contained within it. Each country or region has a certain definition of what can constitute hard water. One of the universal measures that is used to denote hard water is something known as grains per gallon. If a sample of water has anywhere above 3.5 GPG or grains per gallon then it is denoted as hard water. The degree of hardness increases with a higher GPG count. 

Depending on your location, you will then need to go in for a water softener in order to enjoy healthier and softer water. 

How does a Water Softener Work? 

There may be several methods of water softening. But one of the most prevalent ones is something known as cation exchange. What this means is that when hard water is put through a water softener, then the device exchanges cations of calcium and magnesium which are commonly found in hot water; with cations from dissolved sodium chloride salt. 

The exchange process is conducted by either resin or plastic beads or something known as zeolites. The sodium ions are coated on this medium of exchange and when the hard water passes through this exchange it also triggers off a chemical reaction. As a result of this chemical reaction, the magnesium and calcium ions remain on the medium of exchange and the sodium ions take their place in the water. The resultant water that comes out of the water softener is soft. 

Most water softeners also use something known as flush back or recharge which allows the sodium solution to remain all charged up and ready for the next process of water softening. Other variations of water softeners include those that deliver descaling capabilities as well. So depending on how hard the water is in your location, you could go in for an appropriate water softener like WaterBoss.

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*by andreascy*

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