IAP Career College

15 Ed Stories to Read Over the Weekend

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Finally, the first weekend of September is here and the educational world is preparing for yet another challenging year. Taking inspiration from this we have pulled together a useful list with articles that draw on all levels of education, from Primary to Higher Education and life-long learning such as online courses.

15 Ed Stories To Read Over The Weekend

So, time to get some rest and catch up on some reading. Here we round up 15 key educational articles from around the web that caught our attention this week. Hope you find them interesting as much as we did.

1. Spaces for Learning. This excellent piece explores the significance of learning spaces of today by addressing the basic features of an emerging concept: ‘flexible’ learning spaces as environments that are catering for students’ different learning styles and needs while bringing an air of innovation and playfulness in the learning process. A glimpse to the classrooms of the future. 

2. Growth Mindset: How to Normalize Mistake Making and Struggle in Class. Everybody makes mistakes. In terms of mistakes made during the learning process at school, this article addresses Carol Dweck’s research on growth mindset to explain how teachers should create the appropriate classroom atmosphere that supports student’s efforts and promote “productive failure”: student develop a growth mindset as they cope with challenges and overcome failures.

3. 8 Ways Digital Storytelling Transforms Learning in 21st Century Education: The Research Evidence. Digital storytelling is a buzzword in the educational world. Read this interesting article about the transformative impact of digital storytelling for learning based on empirical research findings conducted in the last decade. 

4. Myths and Realities of Online Training. Online training is one of the key ways that adults choose to learn nowadays. This useful article clarifies some of the misunderstandings and prejudice surrounding this revolutionized way of life-long learning. 

5. Assessing the Potential of Gamification in Higher Education. Gamification, a term which refers to applying game-design thinking in different situations to make them more appealing is rising as an approach to teaching and learning in Higher Education. Know how it has been implemented in different universities across USA and what its benefits are.

6. Applying Learning Theory to Mobile Learning. Explore the latest issue of TD at work and know the basics of m-learning, drivers and barriers for its implementation, relevant learning theories and how to use them in practice as well as informal strategies to utilizing m-learning. A great resource. 

7. 6 Learning Trends Driving Education in 2015. Want to know the key teaching and learning practices and strategies that will influence education from 2015 onwards? This article compiles a list with learning trends including blended learning, maker education and four more that are changing the face of schools.

8. Learning Theory v5 - What are the established learning theories? An amazing graphic to get insights on the learning theories and key concepts surrounding them that have emerged in the past centuries. This is probably one of the most comprehensive summaries we’ve seen in a while on learning.

9. 12 Ways to Support ESL Students in the Mainstream Classroom. One of the best reads recently with great tips on how to support English as a Second Language (ESL) for your students, which is a reality of most mainstream classrooms today.

10. Learning Power: new research identifies Mindful Agency as central to resilience. Research findings published this week from Professor’ Crick investigation using the Crick Learning for Resilient Agency Profile (CLARA) suggest that Mindful Agency is a key learning power dimension. Know more about what this term involves and how it can affect research and practice around learning.

11. Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Elementary Students. Critical thinking is one of the most incremental and essential competencies that students should possess in the 21st century. Find out how to develop critical thinking in the classroom through the advice in this article. Includes an infographic and videos.

12. Harvard Launches 'Virtual Classroom' for Students Anywhere. Fascinating stuff happening in Harvard university by introducing a futuristic classroom through using HBX Live to teach its business students who won’t be physically able to attend lessons. Great read.

13. Using New Technology to Rediscover Traditional Ways of Learning. This is an excellent article with an alternative view of technology, discussing how it can enable engagement and traditional forms of learning through embodiment and observation strategies.

14. Museum-based Multiliteracies and Learning for 21st century skills: a preliminary study. This academic paper addresses findings from a doctoral study that employs a conceptual framework for museum teaching and learning drawing on multiliteracies pedagogy, an approach that takes into consideration students’ cultural and linguistic diversity and the demands of an increasingly multimodal and digitally mediated world to promote learning of 21st century skills.

15. “We shouldn’t assume people know what digital citizenship is”. Get top insights from educators organizing the first annual Digital Citizenship Summit on what the concept of digital citizenship actually entails and possible ways to address the gap of knowledge for its implementation by the greater educational community.

These are all! Let us know your insight and suggestions down below. 

Have an awesome weekend!

🦾 Stay Motivated

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