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TED : Baba Shiv - Sometimes it's good to give up the driver's seat

Description :
Over the years, research has shown a counterintuitive fact about human nature : That sometimes, having too much choice makes us less happy. 

This may even be true when it comes to medical treatment. 

Baba Shiv's research expertise is in the area of neuroeconomics, with specific emphasis on the role of neural structures related to emotion and motivation in shaping decisions and experiences. His recent work examines the interplay of the brain’s "liking" and "wanting" systems and its implications for marketing, innovation, leadership and decision making. 

He shares a fascinating study that measures why choice opens the door to doubt, and suggests that ceding control - especially on life-or-death decisions - may be the best thing for us.

Check also other interesting TED Performances.

*by andreascy*

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